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Thomas Sankara PhD Scholarships for International Students 2020/2021

The Global Partnership Network (GPN) is pleased to announce its PhD scholarships offering to international students for the 2020/21 academic session to be taken at the University of Kassel, Germany. The GPN is committed to creating equal opportunities for doctoral candidates to acquire world-class education.

The GPN is an interdisciplinary and international network of excellence with the head office located at the University of Kassel, Germany and partner universities in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. The GPN is funded by the programme ‘Exceed- Higher Education Excellence in Development Cooperation’ launched by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Scholarship Sponsor(s): German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Scholarship to be taken at: Germany and other partner universities

Scholarship level: PhD

Scholarship Worth: Fully Funded Tuition, monthly living allowance

Scholarship Slot: Not specified

Subject Eligibility: Courses related to Economy, Agriculture, Finance, Energy

Country/Candidate Eligibility: Scholarship is for International students

Scholarship Eligibility and Selection Criteria: To be considered for the Thomas Sankara PhD Scholarships for International Students 2020/2021, applicants are to meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must have obtained relevant master’s degree with very good results, in a discipline related to the thematic areas of the funding institution. Applicant’s last academic degree should not be more than six years ago; if an applicant already started with his/her PhD project, it should have started not more than three years ago.
  • Applicants must possess a very high proficiency in English demonstrated by one of the following language certificates: TOEFL, with a minimum score of 95 IBT (Internet-based test); IELTS 7.0 or above; the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English or an equivalent; native speakers and applicants who have completed their first degree fully in English do not have to provide an English proficiency certificate.
  • Academic or vocational experience in one of the disciplines related to the thematic field of global partnership.
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Application Procedures for the Thomas Sankara PhD Scholarships for International Students 2020/2021


The application process involves three elements including:

Step 1: Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on pa­cka­ge

Please provide the following documents in a single PDF file. Only complete applications, in the order listed below, will be accepted:

  • a detailed curriculum vitae (including the academic background, the list of publications [if applicable], professional experience, language skills, voluntary work);
  • a preliminary PhD project proposal (about 2000 words, including topic, research question, short overview of the relevant literature, theoretical approach, research design and methodology, justified assignment to one of the three research clusters and possible supervisors from the GPN network. We kindly request you to refrain from contacting supervisors at this stage);
  • a summary of the Master thesis (about 1500 words);
  • scanned copy of an English proficiency certificate, if required;
  • scanned copies of the following documents in the original language with translations attached, if the language of these documents is not German, English or French:
    • the certificate and transcript of records of your recognised Master degree, listing all subjects and grades (if you have not yet completed your Master degree, please provide only the transcript and substitute the certificate with a letter from the programme coordinator testifying the date and likelihood of the successful completion of the course);
    • the certificate and transcript of records of your recognised Bachelor degree, listing all subjects and grades;
    • certificates for the completion of additional studies, listing all subjects and grades, if applicable;
    • scanned copies of certificates of previous professional/vocational experience, if applicable.
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These items of your application package must be submitted in the order listed above, with your CV as the first item, followed by your project proposal etc. All items of the application must be assembled in one pdf document (use e.g. a pdf creator or your word processing programme) of max. 50 MB. Incomplete applications and submissions consisting of multiple files cannot be accepted.

Step 2: Com­ple­ti­on of the on­line ap­p­li­ca­ti­on form and upload of your ap­p­li­ca­ti­on pa­cka­ge

To complete the online application form and upload your application package (single pdf file), you need to first register with your name and email address on the portal (online survey tool of the University of Kassel, Germany).
Once you have registered, a personalized link will be sent to you by email, with which you can then access the online application form. Completing the online application and uploading your application package is possible until the application deadline.

Step 3: Two let­ters of re­com­men­da­ti­on

In addition to your application, two recent letters of recommendation from professors, course instructors or other persons qualified to assess your academic achievements must be provided. Referees must sign the letter and send it as a scanned copy from the referee’s email account to the GPN Graduate School staff.

As in the letters themselves, the email reference line should mention your full name and “letter of recommendation”. The letters of recommendation must also arrive at the GPN by no later than 29 August 2020.

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Successful applications will need to provide officially authenticated photocopies of all the submitted documents and translations.

Application Deadline: 29 August 2020 (12:00PM, GMT+1)

Visit the Official Website for more Details


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