The Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces (STAARS) fellowship program in partnership with the Cornell University and with support from the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) is pleased to announce its annual call for research proposal.
STAARS fellows will be paired with mentors at Cornell University with whom they will jointly author a paper on a topic that interest them and relating to the structural transformation in Africa south of the Sahara. The selected applicants will receive funds to cover travel and participation in a three-week mentorship program at Cornell University.
Fellowship Sponsor(s): STAARS and CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Market
Fellowship to be taken in: Cornell University
Fellowship Level: Postdoctoral
Fellowship Slot: Not specified
Fellowship Worth: Training and Travel expenses
Country Eligibility: Sub-Saharan Africa
STAARS Fellowship 2021 for Africans | ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for the STAARS Fellowship 2021 for Africans at Cornell University, applicants must:
- Be early career African researchers, either Ph.D. students in their final year prior to degree completion or those who completed their Ph.D. no earlier than 2016.
- Be familiar with existing data sets and have a strong working knowledge of appropriate software, typically Stata and or/or R, and an interest in econometric analysis of high-quality data sets.
- Be working on a project that is within the area of focus of the STAARS Fellowship 2021 cohort.
Application Procedures
How-to-Apply: To apply for the STAARS Fellowship 2021 for Africans at Cornell University, applicants must prepare a maximum 2500-word research proposal, which motivates the selected research issues and objectives, outlines data sources and proposed methodology, and contains a convincing plan for completing the project within the fellowship year.
All proposals shall be written in English and will be peer-reviewed by experts from Cornell University and/or PIM.
Applicants should submit their completed proposals via email to [email protected].
Application Deadline: 31 January 2021